
Derek Broughton derek at
Mon Apr 6 01:02:49 UTC 2009

Pastor JW wrote:

> Why in the world does this kind of  thing keep happening?
> W: GPG error: hardy Release: The following
> signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available:
> NO_PUBKEY 9423A34CCA967634
> Last time it took over a month to figure out how to get on of these stupid
> keys.  Now here is a new one making update manager fail.  LTS indeed,

I'd have to say you aren't quite understanding the concept of "LTS".  PPAs
are _not_ part of the LTS structure; they aren't even strictly part of the
_Ubuntu_ structure.  They are _Personal_ archives.

> everything is a puzzle, ..its juvenile is what it is and it "ain't no
> fun". Things are supposed to work.

Things are NOT supposed to work if you're playing with PPAs - they're
absolutely experimental, and they're put out there for people who are
willing to test AND BREAK.

And honestly - nobody who _should_ be playing with PPAs is going to have any
trouble installing them just because the keys aren't up-to-date.  It's dead
simple to override the missing keys if you're using aptitude.

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