to the list owner(s)

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at
Sun Apr 5 19:29:55 UTC 2009

Billie Erin Walsh wrote:
> Matthew Flaschen wrote:
>> Billie Erin Walsh wrote:
>>> Now IF someone could give the OP a _REAL_, non-personal opinion, 
>>> non-emotional, answer to her question it might be nice.
>> The answer to the OP's question, is "Yes it's possible", but we're not
>> going to do it because it's annoying.
> To some it's just as annoying not to identify in the subject line. 
> Besides "annoying" is just a personal opinion. Still not an answer.

I already /why/ it's annoying.  It unnecessarily repeats information
that is given (repeatedly) in other forms, and which any competent mail
application online or off can handle.

Matt Flaschen

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