to the list owner(s)

GreyGeek GreyGeek at
Sun Apr 5 16:14:14 UTC 2009

Patricia Wilson wrote:
> Would it be possible for you folks to put an identifying string prefix 
> (like "Kubuntu Help") in the subject line of outgoing messages? You 
> are the only list I belong to which does not do that. It would make it 
> a lot eqasier to spot messages from the list.
> -- 
> Patricia Wilson
> Apache Junction, AZ
> Member NRA, ARRL
Did you understand that when you signed up to this list that it was a 
Kubuntu Help list?

Rather than have everyone tag the subject line with that annoying blub, 
why don't you create a folder in your email client called "Kubuntu Help" 
and then add a filter to the sender line 
(kubuntu-users-bounces at in the header?

That way, when msgs appear in that folder you'll know that they are 
Kubuntu Help msgs.

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