Please help me with DWA-120/130 on Wireless Networking

GreyGeek GreyGeek at
Sun Apr 5 04:28:39 UTC 2009

Thinh Hoang Dinh wrote:
> You're right! I didn't see the lamp on the device. But I don't think 
> my device uses Broadcom chipset. I think it uses Atheros chipset.
> On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 10:25 AM, GreyGeek <GreyGeek at 
> <mailto:GreyGeek at>> wrote:
>     Thinh Hoang Dinh wrote:
>     > Hello guys,
>     > I've spent days to get the wireless working on Kubuntu 9.04
>     beta, and
>     > I'm getting tired of it. I've followed the following steps:
>     > 1. Install ndiswrapper and ndiswrapper-utils.
>     > 2. ndiswrapper -i AGUx86.inf (AGUx86.inf here is a driver file of
>     > DWA-120).
>     > 3. ndiswrapper -m.
>     > 4. ndiswrapper -l.
>     >
>     > Everything seems fine, but when I ran iwlist -scanning, I could not
>     > find wlan0. Please help me out of this.
>     Probably you don't see your wireless lamp on either.
>     If your wireless is a broadcom 43xx then install the
>     "b43-fwcutter" app
>     from the repository.  It will pull the firmware out of your wireless
>     chip and set up  it up.  Reboot and your lamp will come on, and
>     then you
>     can probably install the "Network-Manager" widget (if it is not
>     already
>     installed) and use it to scan for, locate and configure your wireless.
>     GG
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Use "sudo ndiswrapper -l" to list the devices and see if you get BOTH a 
"driver present" AND a "hardware present" listing for your wireless.  If 
you don't get the "hardware present" then ndiswrapper+your *.inf file 
didn't work.   IF you do get the "hardware present" then you have to use 
"sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" to activate the hardware by loading it as a 
module.  You can unload it with "sudo rmmod ndiswrapper".

Doing "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" should turn on your wireless light.

BTW, to avoid using sudo all the time you can open a Konsole and issue 
"sudo su" and enter your account password.  That will open a real root 
konsole that doesn't require you to put sudo in front of every command 
you issue.

Here is the order of commands I used, when I was using ndiswrapper, to 
install the wireless driver

1)  ndiswrapper -i whatever.inf
2)  ndiswrapper -l  (only to see if I got the "hardware present", 
indicating that it sees the wireless.
3)  modprob ndiswrapper  (that should turn the wireless lamp on IF your 
lamp switch is in the "ON" position
IF step 3 turned the lamp on or I could turn it on manually after doing 
step three, then
4) ndiswrapper -m    (that sets up the module so it can be restored on 

iwlist scannning
should give you a list of all wireless within range of your laptop and 
your wireless should be among them.

5) iwconfig wlan0 essid "whatever" mode Managed key whateverhexkey

I haven't used iwconfig in a couple years so consult "man iwconfig" for 
the exact parameters syntax.

Also, ifconfig will list the router table showing your lo, eth0 and 
wlan0 routings.

exit leaves the root and returns you to the account konsole, and exit 
again closes it.

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