Jaunty: Where is the suspend option?

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at ubuntu.com
Sat Apr 4 08:11:10 UTC 2009

Hi all,

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 15:35, Derek Broughton <derek at pointerstop.ca> wrote:
> marc wrote:
>> Derek Broughton said...
>>> That's the problem with KDE4 - most of the things you're used to are
>>> still available (and more every day) but they tend to be in subtly
>>> different
>>> places.  You can't just have what you had under 3.5, but you can have
>>> most
>>> of it - and eventually, we hope, all -  but you do have to learn some new
>>> techniques.
>> I can deal with that :-) But you have to be able to find things to start
>> with!
> I hear you, and I know it can be tough.  Having been unable to install 8.10
> immediately when I had to buy a new machine, I don't have KDE4 at all right
> now, so can't really help.

Folks, there *is* suspend to RAM in the "leave" menu in Jaunty, it's
just called "Sleep" and not "Suspend".
This is logical, as there are two different suspend modes: suspend to
RAM and suspend to disk.

If the option doesn't show, it is likely you are missing some package.
Did you try searching the repos with the keyword "suspend"?

FWIW, on my Lenovo laptop, I have the package acpi-support installed.
the HAL manages the rest, and both suspend ways work like a charm.

Regards, Myriam

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