%cpu and Xorg - Jaunty

Nigel Ridley nigel at prayingforisrael.net
Fri Apr 3 09:11:40 UTC 2009

Nigel Ridley wrote:
> I've got Jaunty up-to-date and Xorg is using a lot of cpu cycles.
> Running 'top' shows that Xorg runs from a 'low' %cpu 13 to a 'high' %cpu 64.
> What is going on? It never used to use so many cpu cycles.
> Nigel
I should have added that this is a Dell Inspiron 1525 with an Intel GM965 chipset with an X1300 
graphics card. The 'low' %cpu 13 to a 'high' %cpu 64, is with Desktop effects enabled (just the 
default ones) and with the Desktop effects turned off, Xorg gives a 'low' of %cpu 9 and a 'high' 
of %cpu 19 -- which is still way too high.

I'm not sure what is causing it but if others notice it then I will file a bug report.



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