Duplicate files

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Thu Apr 2 06:32:31 UTC 2009

Jens Strohschnitter wrote:
> On Wed, 01 Apr 2009 09:16:18 -0400
> Steven Vollom <stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>> Jens Strohschnitter wrote:
>>> On Wed, 1 Apr 2009 10:10:32 +0200
>>> Jens Strohschnitter <ubuntu-ml at rwz.de> wrote:
>>>>>> Is there a consoletool like filelight ? I do not have X on my serversystems.
>>>>> Yes, there is, fdupes...  It helps if you read from the beginning of the
>>>>> thread.  Also note again that I didn't recommend filelight, and in fact
>>>>> have never used it.
>>>> Thx - fdupes works very great! A little bit slow :-(
>>>> Do you know about a tool that showes me on console folders with great volumes,
>>>> like kdirstat or filelight ? df -h is very "rudimentary" ;-)
>>> Yep,
>>> found a great tool: ncdu !
>> I installed ncdu.  Then I pressed Alt+F2 and typed in ncdu, but nothing 
>> opened.
> For it worked with: $ ncdu /PATH
The screen went entirely blank.  I have never seen that happen to a 
shell; there is usually something, a blinking cursor, my name, 
something.  Apparently something is wrong with my box.


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