Duplicate files

Ignazio Palmisano ignazio_io at yahoo.it
Thu Apr 2 02:50:12 UTC 2009

Steven Vollom wrote:
>> foo execBlue /
> I just pasted this command into the command line and got:
> steven at YESHUA:~$ foo execBlue /
> bash: foo: command not found

:) that's proof that even the commands are not error proof. Matthew 
meant that as an example of how a command line might look like, not an 
actual command. "foo" is used often to mean "replace this with the 
actual command, file name, parameter, etc etc, anything that should fit 

> steven at YESHUA:~$
> The panel just disappeared at the bottom of my screen.  I won't be able 
> to continue, but will look for 'pager' and 'basic grep' in Google, while 
> finding the lost panel.
> Steven

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