OT: rodent usage

Pastor JW pastor_jw at the-inner-circle.org
Tue Sep 30 22:30:11 UTC 2008

On Tuesday 30 September 2008 11:05:46 am Ric Moore wrote:
> On Sun, 2008-09-28 at 09:29 -0700, Pastor JW wrote:
> > On Sunday 28 September 2008 12:52:05 am Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> > > I've suspected for a long time it might be the beginning stages of
> > > carpal tunnel, but by being careful how I use my hands (including
> > > avoiding the rodent as much as possible) I can avoid that numbness. 
> > > Over time, most of the symptoms faded. And since I've developed a
> > > strong distrust of the medical system, I've never asked a doctor to
> > > check it out.
> >
> > Best thing I have found for that is simply alfalfa tea!  Even if one does
> > not like tea he'll soon like the effects!  Besides the tea tastes good.
> I bought one of those sliding shelf brackets which I mounted under the
> top of my computer desk. Now my mouse and hand using it is lower, and it
> really helps. Using a mouse on top of a desk is a killer for the wrist
> and arm. 

I have one of those as well!  Actually my office is the most comfortable place 
to sit in the house as everything is set to perfectly fit me!  Which is good 
as at times I spend 18 hours straight, right there!   Carpal tunnel can be 
relieved by having keyboards, chairs, armrests, and even the monitor set to 
ergonomic height, thereby relieving a lot of strain.   However, both my wife 
and I avoided surgery for severe carpel tunnel, neither of us could hold a 
cup of coffee in one hand, by use of alfalfa tea.  Doctors ask us both how we 
cured that problem without the surgery they thought was so necessary!  They 
are amazed at the difference.  She works in an office as typist among other 
things and she was suffering badly each day she worked on a keyboard, now 
there is no problem.

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276

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