KOffice vs. OpenOffice

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Tue Sep 30 07:52:02 UTC 2008

2008/9/29 Derek Broughton <news at pointerstop.ca>:
>> Oh, yes, you're right. But explain me which is the reason why "in my
>> country" (I don't know in yours), when the average customer cannot choose
>> between an open source OS and a propietary one. If you go in a shop, the
>> 100% (except for MAC systems) of the systems are Windows...
> Then demand Linux.

That is very good advice. Every time I go into a computer store, I
make sure to mention that I use Linux very happily. When I buy
hardware I ask the salesman if it works with Linux. The more that the
computer stores see people using and enjoying Linux, the faster Linux
acceptance will occur.

But don't be a jerk about it, like the fools who booked all the Apple
Genius spots. Be a nice, friendly customer who just happens to use

Dotan Cohen



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