Free computers?

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Mon Sep 29 15:10:46 UTC 2008

Knapp wrote:
> I have friend working in a large store in the USA. He just told me
> that they are throwing out all the PCs that will not run Vista.
> You and I both know that these computer will run Kubuntu just fine. I
> wonder how many other stores are doing this? Want a fairly new free
> computer? Just go to the dump.
I would like to know the name of a store that is doing this.  I church 
teaches how to operate computers to the needy.  When finished they give 
them a computer, however mostly the computers they give are not very 
current.  Some of the Pentium II's and III's.  That sure would reduce a 
sad waste and help a lot of unfortunate people.


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