KOffice vs. OpenOffice

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at gmail.com
Mon Sep 29 12:37:50 UTC 2008

Derek Broughton wrote:
> Valter Mura wrote:
>> Il lunedì 29 settembre 2008 09:35:01 Willy Hamra ha scritto:
>>> not any faster, in MS office 2007, try pasting 2 pages, with at least
>>> one picture in them, happy waiting :P it took about 1 minute on a 3.0
>>> GHz CPU! OOo has only one problem with MS files, and that is fonts!
>>> the use of different fonts by the 2 suites is really a problem. some
>>> guy comes in with a MS office 2003 doc file, using some fancy font
>>> (one of the fonts supplied by MS office, not a custom one), i open it
>>> with OOo, and... looks horrible in some normal font. that's one of the
>>> reasons i keep MS office installed on all my windows PCs, in case i
>>> can't print it from kubuntu.
>> And this is due to the reckless evolution of the computer market...
>> 90% of computers has Windows and we must fight against these things...
> That's awfully naive.  As a Linux user I believe in _Freedom_ to use the
> software you want.  That means that if, for various poorly-thought reasons,
> my colleagues are using Word, I absolutely need to be able to read and
> write Word documents.  And because I'm a decent person, it doesn't mean I
> rewrite them in some Open format before sending them back, and then
> complain because they won't accept them.
>>>> Also OO used to open the whole office at the same time so that
>>>> switching between writing and spread sheet did not mean any more
>>>> loading. Does it still?
>>> not sure about the version supplied by ubuntu, but the windows version
>>> does. it starts blazing fast since it's always preloaded, and even
>>> when not, switching application is fast.
>> Yes, if you run "ooffice" OOo opens without starting a doc. In this way
>> OOo is faster...
> What a joke!  OO takes _minutes_ to open most docs I get off the net.
Have you checked the Memory settings in Ooo? 
Tools/options/Openoffie.org/Memory. I have the following: Undo steps 20, 
Graphics cache 100Mb for Ooo, 10 Mb per object, remove from memory after 
10 minutes and Number of objects 20. With those settings Ooo opens quite 
fast imho.

You can also make it faster by disabling use of Java Runtime Environment 
in Ooo. I think only the wizards use it but I could be wrong, I am no 
expert user.


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