Two Screen Saver "Slide Show" Images Simultaneously Displayed!

Kenneth Jacker khj at
Mon Sep 29 12:16:33 UTC 2008

[ Sorry about the "self reply", but wanted to close the "thread". ]

  khj> Whenever I enable the "Banners & Pictures/Slide Show"
  khj> option within the "Screen Saver Settings" and the "screen
  khj> saver" starts up, I see *two* images displayed -- centered, one
  khj> on top of the other -- from within the specified "Image Folder"!

I replaced the older ATI video board with a newer NVidia one, and the
double image problem went away!

So, apparently there was an "issue" with the 8.04 X11 server, video
device driver and/or KDE.

Problem solved.


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