Laptop email sending problem

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Fri Sep 26 17:48:31 UTC 2008

On Friday 26 September 2008 1:20:37 pm Steven Vollom wrote:
>  I think
> what AT&T is doing is discriminatory and unethical, and perhaps even
> involvement with Microsoft to help them get the dominance they seem to
> want

I support desktop PCs on my job.  I can tell you it is unlikely that this has 
any nefarious basis.  It is pure economics and complexity.

You hire first level techs, you pay them as little as you can.

The ones who work for so little are the least skilled.

You enable them to do the job with a script that works most of the time. (A 
point here about perspective.  If you are on this list — if you bother to 
subscribe to any technical list — you either know or at least desire to know 
more about computers than most users.  Most users indeed ask the basic, 
repetitive questions that the scripts address.)

In order to get a script that works most of the time, you need to aim it at 
the OS/software the customer is most likely to use.

That would be Windows and software that is included with it.  You are not 
going to get Opera support for Windows, and probably not Firefox, either.  
Thunderbird for Windows works just like Thunderbird for Linux.  You can bet 
that Windows Thunderbird users aren't getting help with it either.

The beauty of Open Source for its devotees is that they can use it and 
customize it however they want.  They don't have to take defaults.  You can 
use Ubuntu with Gnome or KDE, or xfce or Fluxbox or Windowmaker, whatever.  
You can use mail, pine, elm, mutt, Thunderbird, Evolution or Kmail.  That is 
great for us.  It is a nightmare to support cheaply.

It isn't a plot.  It's money.

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