how can I change Krusader's <panel> font size in KDE???

Joe(theWordy)Philbrook jtwdyp at
Fri Sep 26 01:00:09 UTC 2008

It would appear that on Sep 25, Pastor JW did say:

> It reminds me very much of DirMaster or DOpus for Amiga.  Maybe not quite as 
> nice or as fast but very useful just the same

Then if I used an Amiga I'd probably like DirMaster or DOpus...
> > Is there a way to change that font size???

> Sure, in Krusader go to "Settings", then "Configure Krusader", then to "Look 
> and Feel" then to the Panel tab and set your panel font!
Thank you!

But now I feel dumb... I looked all over the configure Krusader settings
and yet failed to see that... musta been blinded by the rigidity of my
own thought patterns... 

Now that I think about it, when I was busy trying to find the font
settings in Krusaders internal settings, I hadn't yet realized that the
place(s) the font I wanted to change was inside of, were called  panel
by Krusader...(which considering mc also calls them panels makes me feel
even dumber <sigh> Thus I probably never even clicked on that tab.


|   ^^^   ^^^
|   <O>   <O>	   Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
|	^		J(tWdy)P
|     \___/	     <<jtwdyp at>>

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