[intrepid alpha6] undefined kernal keycodes | <alt>+<F1> error
jtwdyp at ttlc.net
Thu Sep 25 18:15:01 UTC 2008
I recently decided to check out intrepid alpha 6 and through it kde4.
I can't say I like everything. But I'm beginning to think I could get
used to it (with a few workarounds in-place)...
However as a user who has MUCH greater difficulty using the mouse than
the keyboard being unable to pop up the menu with <alt>+<F1> is a
serious issue.
Somebody kindly pointed me at some known bugs and I did my best to follow
the listed workarounds
There were two workarounds that I saw for this kind of problem.
1)was a reference to "System/Preferences/Keyboard" which I eventually
found out was the gnome equivalent of KDE's "System Settings ->
Regional & Language-> Keyboard Layout" which I set to "Evdev-managed
This didn't seam to have any effect until I also did the other
2)"dpkg-reconfigure console-setup" Where I also selected the
Evdev-managed keyboard and then answered several configuration
questions where I mostly accepted the default answers...
When it was done asking, the console screen filled up with output
including a warning about some undefined kernel keycodes
( specifically: 213 218 220 223 225 227 229 231 232 233 234 235 236 237
238 239 240 241 242 243 )
I don't know how significant these are but after I ran dpkg-reconfigure,
I rebooted and quickly found out that <Alt>+<F1> Still doesn't pop up
anything. I note that the only place in the keyboard shortcut settings I
could find a reference to anything that looked like it might be the
pop-up kmenu was the action listed under Plasma as "Application
Launcher" which was already set to <alt>+<F1>.
I'm not completely sure that the "Application Launcher" is the kmenu,
but even if it's some other method of launching applications, the
<alt>+<F1> key combination should still do something...
I also noticed that that it seams that some of the cursor and paging
keys don't work in this configuration... That is the ones built into
the keypad work fine ( as long as numlock is off of course... ) But 5 of
the gray keys to the left of it for page up, page down, left, right, & up
don't work. (there could be more but that's all I noticed so far)...
Should I be concerned about the undefined kernel keycodes ??
Are they likely the reason <alt>+<F1> doesn't work?
what do I gotta do to get them defined?
What else should I try to get <alt>+<F1> to actually pop-open the K-menu?
| ~^~ ~^~
| <?> <?> Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
| ^ J(tWdy)P
| \___/ <<jtwdyp at ttlc.net>>
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