Konqueror problems

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Thu Sep 25 13:11:01 UTC 2008

Alain Muls wrote:

> Some time ago, there was a animated discussion about konqueror being THE
> KDE application that could be used for everything and that it would be far
> superior than eg Dolphin (I use the KDE4.1 version).
> I decided to try both.
> I quite like Dolphin and its "mac finder"-like column view, but I find
> that it crashes all together too often (crashes due to going up in the
> directory for several levels at one, or when a refresh of current
> directory is needed). Since Konqueror was so applauded, I decided to try
> it out for file management and web browsing.
> In file management, the column view behaves exactly the same as in Dolphin
> and the exact same crashes are experienced. I suppose both applications
> use the same code. 

They should.  File management is part of Dolphin, and KDE's use of kparts
should ensure that konqueror will always use the same part.  It's
disappointing though - I really hoped this business would be fixed.  Try
doing a "find" in konqueror, and then clicking on any of the files before
the last one has been found...  Essentially anything that causes Konqueror
(and presumably Dolphin) to migrate away from a page that hasn't yet been
completely updated, causes a crash.
> In web browsing, I found Konqueror lacking the ability to auto-detect the
> proxy settings, which is handled correctly by firefox. 

works for me.  

> Also, when I open a 
> link from a feed in kontact, I often get an error that konqueror is unable
> to display the html page since its render engine died, needing a restart.

I've never seen that - I hope it isn't a new bug in KDE4.

> Moreover Konqueror does not display pages correctly displayed by firefox.

Konqueror often doesn't display invalid HTML.  That's nuts, but that's the
way it's intended.  Otherwise, the only thing I know it won't do is
open "javascript:" links, which it should...  otoh, there are _many_ pages
that Konqueror won't open because the page's _author_ decides not to
support unusual browsers.  That's just bad programming - on the HTML
author's part, not konqueror's developers - and there's nothing much we can
do about it.

> This makes me wonder why konqueror is so much liked, or am I doing
> something wrong?

I thought you said you read the animated discussion? :-)  We love it because
it can do so many things that Firefox can't, because it's integrated with
KDE.  The day Firefox supports kio_slaves, I may well stop using Konqueror.

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