Dolphin and Konqueror

Alain Muls alain.muls at
Fri Sep 19 08:03:45 UTC 2008


I like the column layout with the places at the left and information at the 
right of Dolphin-kde4, but Dolphin does crash quite often in this setting. I 
just discovered that konqueror also has the column layout, but I cannot find 
how to set
- the places at the left
- the information window at the right
- I also find it nice that the current directory is displayed not as text but 
as a horizontal series of icons.

Can konqueror be tweaked like Dolphin-kde4?

Alain MULS                                              alain.muls at
CISS-GENA                                                        +32.2.7426340
Renaissance Avenue 30
1000 BRUSSELS - Belgium

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