batch for transforming images

Glenn R Williams gloonie at
Sat Sep 13 15:43:06 UTC 2008


I think there is a mistake in your recipe:

After the convert command, instead of just "F" you need F.jpg, since the files 
are named filename.jpg. So the command line becomes:

ls *.jpg | sed 's/.jpg//' | xargs -I F convert F.jpg -quality 80 F.png



On Saturday 13 September 2008 11:32:32 Donn wrote:
> I just discovered something today.
> 1. It uses imagemagick.
> 2. I dunno about the dpi, but check the man pages for that.
> 3. Here's the recipe:
> ls *.jpg | sed 's/.jpg//' | xargs -I F convert F -quality 80 F.png
> That:
> a. picked all jpg files.
> b. stripped the .jpg off (using sed)
> c. used 'xargs' to handle things like too many files at once and spaces in
> names. It also puts the filename into 'F'
> (The arg to xargs is a dash capital "i", BTW, not a lower L)
> d. calls convert on file 'F' setting quality to 80 and converting to F.png
> You can adjust as you need to.
> \d

Glenn R Williams
The footprints of occupation are beautiful when they are in a museum
	-- Mahmoud Darwish

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