wireless network connections on Kubuntu 8.04.1 - "solution" found :-((

Lisi Reisz lisi.reisz at gmail.com
Sat Sep 13 12:34:42 UTC 2008

Saturday 13 September 2008 11:51:27 に Robert Costa さんは書きました:
> Hi Lisi,
> can you post the contents of your /etc/network/interfaces file and
> maybe the output of the lspci command and lsmod, just in case no
> drivers are running the WiFi card. hmm..

Robert you have traced it for me already!

> if it's a driver problem you 
> could also try out installing ndiswrapper and using the manufacturers
> drivers, but of cause that's not an option if you want to stay on
> linux native drivers :-)...

I'm open to all suggestions.  Download a non-free driver, buy another card 
that is known to work.  Anything.  If I don't get wireless going on dhcp this 
week, my granddaughter is going to desert to Windows. :-(( 

I shall try the route suggested on that web page as soon as I have joined 
Arthur in a nice hot cup of tea.  I need fortifying. ;-)


> 2008/9/13 Lisi Reisz <lisi.reisz at gmail.com>:
> > I have a MSI 802.11g PCMCIA WiFi card with the Ralink RT2500 Chipset in a
> > Dell Latitude p4 connecting - or failing to connect :-( - via a Netgear
> > DG834G v4 wireless ADSL modem router.
> >
> > When I first installed Hardy, the wireless card was recognised and both
> > green lights were on, but it could only connect with static IP.  After
> > numerous attempts over several days, in desperation I tried manually
> > editing /etc/network/interfaces.  Still no joy.  I tried a few different
> > combinations, including finally deleting  /etc/network/interfaces and
> > letting Kubuntu regenerate it.
> >
> > So I installed linux-backports-modules-hardy-generic.  One of the green
> > lights went out and it would now not connect at all, even tho' network
> > settings could still see it.
> >
> > So I uninstalled linux-backports-modules-hardy-generic (apt-get purge
> > linux-backports-modules-hardy-generic, aptget autoremove).  Now the
> > lights are both on, but there is no actual connection.
> >
> > I tried pinging the router.  All packets were dropped.  I pinged the
> > laptop from the router and all packets reached their destination.  So I
> > pinged the router from the laptop.  Nada.  So I again pinged the laptop
> > from the router. This time nothing.  And that is still the situation.
> >
> > I also tried connecting the ethernet connection via DHCP.  It would work
> > only if I told it the DNS to use - it could not get the information from
> > the server.  Not much use for roving!!  But the wrieless card could not
> > even get an IP from the router.
> >
> > Suggestions?  I'll try anything, short of throwing the whole lot through
> > the window.  I have to get wireless DHCP going on this laptop. :-(
> >
> > TIA
> > Lisi
> >
> >
> >
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