Configuring GTK applications' appearance in Kubuntu

Mark Fraser kubuntu at
Fri Sep 12 11:33:40 UTC 2008

On Thursday 11 September 2008 22:21:52 Robert Costa wrote:
> 2008/9/11 Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at>:
> > How can the user can configure the appearance of the GTK applications
> > in Kubuntu? I do not have Gnome installed, though I suspect that in
> > Gnome there would be a System Settings application to configure GTK
> > appearance. Is there a text file that I can edit, or a GTK-appearance
> > application that I can install?
> Maybe the package gtk-qt-engine-kde4 is what you're searching for?
> There's something similar for KDE3, too. I just can't find the package
> right now :-) BTW Firefox looks a bit "crappy" with gtk-qt-engine-kde4
> installed. Dunno if it's a bug or maybe something's set incorrectly
> here. It's like just the upper half of buttons or checkboxes are drawn
> or they get only drawn when I move the mouse over it.

That bug also occurs with KDE3, I had to install gtk2-engines-qtcurve to get 
the tick boxes working. There is a bug open on it.

Registered Linux User #466407

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