Anyone tried Dell Mini

Joel Oliver joelol75 at
Wed Sep 10 20:21:08 UTC 2008

Eberhard Roloff wrote:
> Art Alexion schrieb:
>> Dell will not sell us the 16 GB drive with Ubuntu -- only with Windows.
> ok, then you can still get Windows Refunds. For a start, see here:
> kind regards
> Eberhard
Just get the version with XP on it and reformat it and install Ubuntu.  
Thats what most people do anyway.  It seems like only the crap versions 
of laptops come with Ubuntu preinstalled and are very expensive (Because 
of the crapware discounts)

It's just going to prove the point that Windows Vista is selling well, 
Ubuntu preinstalled is a flop...   Isn't this what they really want to 
do?   If I can get a Dell with a better processor, more memory, better 
video card cheaper than a Dell that's stripped down with Ubuntu and 
costs more.... I will get the Vista/XP one and nuke it...  So another 
preinstalled Ubuntu laptop sits collecting dust proving that linux 
prinstalled is a failure (since it doesn't sell)  So everyone MUST be 
using Windows....  This is what Microsoft "wants" the vendors to 
"see".   I'd love to know the real numbers (via Windows Update would 
probably be more accurate, although it still may be a dual boot Windows 
install thats rarely used, or in my case a Virtualbox inside linux that 
I keep updated just in case I need to use it (I haven't for 2 years now 

So probably microsoft kicks back to Symantic, McAffee, Adobe.... whatnot 
to kick back to the vendors to kill the whole linux preinstalled idea... 
It seems to work for now.

Hope the future looks brighter :)

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