Time Updates

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Wed Sep 10 20:01:03 UTC 2008

John Hubbard wrote:

> I read the man page for ntpd and it looks like ntpd can either be a
> daemon that wakes itself up on interval and updates the time in your
> machine or actually broadcasts time to other machines. In the man page
> it notes that with the '-q' option it mimics the behavior of ntpdate,
> "which is to be retired".

istr it's said that for years.  I'll believe it when it happens.

> I then poked around at /etc/ntp.conf and it looks like the default is to
> just listen. There was a line commented out about broadcast.
> Am I correct in believing that the default for ntpd is to just update my
> time on a regular interval and not broadcast the time to the network?
it should be - I just hate the idea of installing a program that with one
small change by a user who doesn't know what he's doing, is going to start
broadcasting to the network.

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