KDE and Compiz
Paul Rumelhart
godshatter at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 6 01:24:34 UTC 2008
Replying to my own post here...
That list is the total list of compiz packages, may bad. The ones I
have installed from that list are:
I also have desktop-effects-kde, emerald, and fusion-icon installed.
Sorry for the confusion. I dumped apt-cache pkgnames compiz and then
later realized it showed all packages, not just what I have installed.
Is there an easy way using apt or aptitude to get a list of installed
packages that match a filter?
Paul Rumelhart wrote:
> I'm not sure what I did to get it this way, but I run compiz on both
> Hardy Heron at home and Gutsy Gibbon at work, running kubuntu, without
> the need to manually launch it every time. I know I had to install some
> extra packages, particularly at least one package to let me configure it
> more thoroughly. I am running KDE 3.5.9 at home right now with compiz
> running without problems.
> Here is the list of compiz packages I have installed:
> compiz-extra
> compiz-dev
> compiz-gtk
> compiz-kde
> compizconfig-backend-gconf
> compiz-fusion-bcop
> compiz-plugins
> compizconfig-settings-manager
> compiz-bcop
> compizconfig-backend-kconfig
> compiz-fusion-plugins-extra
> compiz-compcomm-plugins-main
> compiz
> compiz-core
> compiz-fusion-plugins-main
> compiz-gnome
> Paul
> Art Alexion wrote:
>> kevin wrote:
>>> Dear All,
>>> Is it possible to use compiz on kde 3.5.9 and HH 8.04?
>> Yes.
>> Is there a recommended
>>> way of setting about using compiz in kde?
>> I don't know about "recommended" but I use the compiz-icon package.
>> Works fine for me except I have to manually launch the icon and reload
>> the window manager every time I log in. Not the case with Ubuntu
>> (Gnome) where it "just works".
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