Kaffeine in Kubuntu 8.04 is borked.

Billie Walsh bilwalsh at swbell.net
Fri Sep 5 22:25:51 UTC 2008

Dotan Cohen wrote:
> 2008/9/5 Ric Moore <wayward4now at gmail.com>:
>> I doubt I'd be welcome there. When it comes down to getting a job done
>> and out the door, if I have to I install non-FOSS software. It's a rare
>> circumstance, I assure you. But way back when I shelled out the $10 fee
>> for Hannu's OSS to get the X's sound system to work. To insist that she
>> do without sound for a couple of years over $10 and idealism, still
>> seems to be faulty logic, as in not "The Right Thing". Ric
> I know, I never mention proprietary software there.
> One day, I hope to see someone hijack a thread on that list with a top
> posted HTML mail with Outlook in the headers and Myspace in the sig,
> asking how to install MS Office under Crossover on Debian. Of course,
> the return address shouldn't have an @ sign or a TLD because AOL users
> don't know that's necessary yet.
Whats it worth to you?  *<]:oD

Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.

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