Time Updates

Larry Hartman larryhartman50 at vzavenue.net
Fri Sep 5 12:53:51 UTC 2008

On Thursday 04 September 2008 09:02:32 pm Steve Lamb wrote:
> Glenn R Williams wrote:
> > Actually, the app you want is "ntpdate"
>     That depends on what they want to do.  ntpdate is a once-off run that
> hits a server and then is done.  

By once-run do you mean at boot-time? Or install time?

> ntp-server (which is also a client) allows 
> for continual updates as long as the machine has a network connection. 

Sounds like the continual method is what I am looking for...

> Since it wasn't specified which one (the OP's message could have been taken
> either way) the best option is to search on ntp and they can choose from
> there.  ;)

Hi there, I am the op!


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