Dummkopf's guide to vim

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Thu Sep 4 13:07:45 UTC 2008

Knapp wrote:

>> $ which nano
>> /usr/bin/nano
>> Now, this is far from a new install, but I certain did not add that
>> myself. So either something pulled nano is as a dependency (doubtful),
>> or it comes installed in 8.04
>> By the way, Ubuntu does not come with VIM on a standard install
>> either. You are using VIM-tiny, which is missing quite a few features,
>> such as vimtutor:
>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vim/+bug/225231
>> --
>> Dotan Cohen
> $ which vim
> /usr/bin/vim
> How can you tell if it is vim-tiny?

# aptitude search vim

will tell you the state of all the vim-associated packages.  Or 

# aptitude search ~ivim

will show the installed ones

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