Dummkopf's guide to vim

Knapp magick.crow at gmail.com
Wed Sep 3 18:44:25 UTC 2008

> Thanks, Douglas. How about logging into a remote server from my
> bookmarks within VIM, browsing to the file I need, and editing it on
> the server? While flipping tabs between a local file and a remote
> file?
> Yes, that is part of my daily workflow. Kate does all that.
> --
> Dotan Cohen

ROFLOL, I have no idea with VIM OR KATE! BTW I DO like kate.
Kate has bookmarks?? This is coming from a person that uses it almost
everyday. :-)
HELP --- google. Somehow that must be more in the section for smart asses.

Tabs in vim
vim -p file1 file2 file3
That will open vim with 3 files each in it's own tab.
gt in normal mode with switch tabs.
 For more read here.

Edit a romote file. I have no idea but I bet you can combine that with
tabs. Now for the bookmarks.
vim scp://user@host/[path_to_file]

search this page for bookmark but I bet that is not quite what you had in mind.

You want to open a file on a remote machine with one click right?
Perhaps a machro is what you want.

Douglas E Knapp


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