Kaffeine in Kubuntu 8.04 is no longer borked.

Art Alexion art.alexion at verizon.net
Tue Sep 2 11:10:04 UTC 2008

Rod Lovett wrote:
> Oh well changing the xine engine parameter media in Kaffeine settings from dev/cdrom and dev/dvd both to /dev/scdo stops all this sillyness and survives reboot so once again well done Douglas.
> Cheers
> Rod
> P.S.
> This "scd0 advice" was certainly somewhat more helpful than the below su(do) advice dictated too often in (K)ubuntu land.

I still think this may be a bigger problem.  I have two DVD drives, and
the suggested solution only would fix the problem with one of the devices.

To confuse matters, one of my DVD drives is an IDE, and the other a SATA.

My suspicion is that this is a HAL/DBUS problem at heart.

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