Kaffeine in Kubuntu 8.04 is borked.

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Mon Sep 1 16:47:48 UTC 2008

2008/9/1 Knapp <magick.crow at gmail.com>:
> Yes, no hardware changes or bios or anything like that. And the DVD
> burner is and IDE device. My HD is a Sata device. You can see the
> details if you like in the other emails from me about this subject
> including my fdisk file before  I commented out the line as suggested.

I won't be able to get you any further than your earlier thread, but
you might want to ask on the Debian list. The real hardware gurus hang
out there, but make sure when you ask that you state exactly what you
did, what happened, and what you expected to happen. Also detail how
you STFW trying to fix it and give details about your hardware.
Mention that you are using "a Debian-derived distro: Kubuntu 8.04" to
stress that the post is relevant for the Debian list. The Debian list
has some terrific brains, but they are not as newbie tolerant as the
*buntu lists. For a good reason!

>> Shouldn't it be looking in /mnt and not in /dev?
> I have no idea what it SHOULD be doing but I know what worked.
> If you do know what SHOULD be please let me know and I will test it out.

I could only guess, but most end-user programs look in /mnt as opposed
to /dev. I do not know if that is standard, it is just an observation
of mine.

Dotan Cohen



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