Kaffeine in Kubuntu 8.04 is borked.

Knapp magick.crow at gmail.com
Mon Sep 1 13:51:20 UTC 2008

On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 3:37 PM, Rod Lovett <rodlovett at ozemail.com.au> wrote:
> Kaffeine in Kubuntu 8.04 is borked.
>           I started a thread on the forum regarding this, but gave up,
> as either it worked for them, and they couldn't understand my problem.
> Or they did not have a clue what could be wrong.
> Certainly in the land of oz it is it is beyond a joke.
> It seems tied up with silly old sudo permissions,
> and enalind user video and cd makes not a scrap of difference.
> If one plays it first as a root GUI login, logs out and
> then logs in as user it then plays, until you reboot of course
> then back to silly "this DVD is encrypted" despite libdvdcss2 being
> installed.
> It will also play a DVD if one boots with it in the drive, but not any
> other one may care to try in that session.
> Fortunately VLC does not succumb to this silly error, and plays OK.
> Its stuff like this that makes su and sudo a real nuisance.
> Wish I could excise the silly sudo su stuff  from Kubuntu, and make it
> act like its parent Debian which keeps it black and white user or root,
> which keeps it much simpler, and none of this kaffeine borking stuff.
> Strangely Gutsy had no such Kaffeine behavior, but in  Ibex Kaffeine is
> also borked with the less than optimal KDE 4.01.
> Regards
> Rod

Rob, I just fixed it with kaffeine by clicking on settings xine engine
and then media. Then I changed all the devices to dev/scd0.
It now works. I have not rebooted yet. I wlll let you know if it
breaks otherwise it is working!!

BTW I had that same behavior with restarting KDE and all that.

Douglas E Knapp


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