Problem burning ISO

Nigel Ridley nigel at
Fri Oct 31 06:12:43 UTC 2008

Ric Moore wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-10-30 at 21:49 +0200, Nigel Ridley wrote:
>> Actually it's not the k3b post burn checks - I then took the CD to the box to do the install and 
>> it failed on a specific file. I then restarted the process but choose the 'Check Cd' (or 
>> something like that) - the option beneath 'Install' (this is the alternate CD). Anyway, the self 
>> check got  about half way through a complained about a corrupted file - another coaster!
>> I shall wait until the weekend and try again.
> You might restrict the burn rate to something like 2X, SLOW-- and see if
> that helps. Ric

x10 is the minimum on my Dell 1525 :-(




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