8.04 -->8.10 Questions

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Thu Oct 30 23:41:51 UTC 2008

Mani A wrote:

> I did read the release notes, but will kde-3.x get affected by a
> upgrade when lots of desktops are installed?
> I believe only the corresponding parts will get upgraded, like kde-4.x
> --> kde-4.y,...and so on.

Not sure, but I believe "kde" (kde3, now) will be replace by kde 4, so yes,
3.x will be affected.

> Why exactly is 'kubuntu-desktop' essential for a proper upgrade?

As near as I can tell, it isn't.  What it _does_ do, is create dependencies
for other software that the developers think you _should_ have.

I've been through a couple of upgrades without kubuntu-desktop and one with. 
I decided I just wanted to find out what was new.  Even so, I removed a lot
of stuff, including kubuntu-desktop right after the last upgrade.

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