Upgrading packages

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Wed Oct 29 16:02:27 UTC 2008

Neil Winchurst wrote:

> Derek Broughton wrote:
>> Neil Winchurst wrote:
>>> I notice that some repositories are not included in the automatic
>>> updating of packages, eg Universe.
>>> If I am using a package from such a repository and I notice that there
>>> is a new version available, what is the best way to upgrade please?
>> Turn on universe in your favorite package manager...
>> If it's not included in automatic updating, it's only because it's either
>> not present or not enabled in sources.list
> Universe is enabled in sources.list. Here is the relevant section from
> the file
>> Also, please note that
>> ## software in universe WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the
>> ## Ubuntu security team.
> As you can see it says that I will not receive updates. Is there some
> way around this please?

It doesn't say that at all - it says universe will not receive updates FROM
THE SECURITY TEAM.  Universe is not maintained by Canonical, it's
maintained by MOTU (The Masters of the Universe) - basically a LUG :-) 
They determine when Universe is updated, and they provide any security

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