USB Disk: not detected problem and not ejected messaga

Willy Hamra w.hamra1987 at
Wed Oct 29 09:48:47 UTC 2008

On 29/10/2008, Ali Milis <almilis at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got several USB disks which always work fine with XP and Vista.
> Unfortunately, once in a while the kubuntu system can not detect those
> USB disks. No information is available in /etc/fstab nor "/dev/" node
> is created.
> How can I handle it? Sometimes it works after I do "fdisk -l" and
> "lsusb", but sometimes nothing happens.
> Also, I always get a "The device was succesfuly unmounted, but
> could not be rejected" message. It is annoying, but I can live
> with that.
> Regards,

hi, can you please, after inserting this USB in kubuntu, and you find
it's not working, go to a terminal, and type "dmesg | tail" without
the quotes, and put the output here?

Willy K. Hamra
Manager of Hamra Information Systems
Co. Manager of Zeina Computers and Billy Net.

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