transfering emails from Kmail to Thunderbird

Peter Klaassen peterklaassen at
Mon Oct 27 15:02:57 UTC 2008

Op Sunday 26 October 2008 23:35:21 schreef Paul Lemmons:
> Peter Klaassen wrote:
> > Is it possible to manually transfer my emailarchive from Kmail
> > to Thunderbird. The import function of TB does not recognize
> > Kmail.

How do I import e-mail messages from kmail (Linux)?

    Make a new folder in kmail and name it inboxmbox. You'll see a dialogue in 
which you can save it as an mbox folder. Copy all posts in your kmail inbox 
folder to the new inboxmbox folder. Exit kmail. Next, copy or move inboxmbox 
to the subfolder Mail/Local Folders in your profile folder. When you open 
Thunderbird you'll see the inboxmbox folder under Local Folders. Copy the 
messages into your Inbox folder if you like.

Nice, but not with 100 plus archive folders in Kmail.

Thanks anyway Paul

Registered Linux user # 458207

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