Firefox 3.0.3 not working

Edmund Laugasson ed.lau at
Mon Oct 27 09:34:06 UTC 2008


Has anybody problem, that if you run Firefox 3.0.3, it does not start?

I tried from GUI and command line - no feedback - it just won't start :( Sometimes it will start 
some minutes later. Often I just kill the process, because I'm not so patient to wait some minutes.

I found this thread - - but it 
didn't help me.

I also read from Google, that one TTF-font beginning with letter "t" caused problem - I removed all 
my TTF-fonts with beginning "t" - no result. I run also fc-cache -rv and made several restarts to PC 
- no effect :(

So, I'm stuck and considering reinstall whole system and hoping, that next time it will not happen.


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