Latest 8.10 updates mess up KDE

Nigel Ridley nigel at
Sun Oct 26 18:13:47 UTC 2008

Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
> On Sun, 26 Oct 2008 08:45:19 pm Nigel Ridley wrote:
>> I just did an update on my boys box and now there are all sorts of problems
>> with KDE. Apps take ages to load - if they actually do....
> Trying doing a "ps -e" from the console - you may find hundreds of scim daemons 
> running. If so Doing a killall will fix the immediate problem but it will 
> return next boot.
> Not sure what the easy fix is :( I fixed it by reinstalling from scratch.

I tried the killall thing but scim kept coming back to life. So, I uninstalled it and now no more 
Who needs scim anyway? Wait, wasn't there a long discussion on this a few months ago..... OK 
forget it.




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