sed experts. Help

Rick Knight rick_knight at
Thu Oct 23 18:02:40 UTC 2008

Jared Greenwald wrote:
> Don't forget that when using the -exec option to find {} is the
> currently-found file/object and you need to end your command with \;
> If you were to be just looking for php files to update...
> find <dir> -type f -name "*.php" -exec sed -i.bak "/^<?php
> \/\*\*\/eval(base64_decode(/d" {} \;
> Where <dir> is the top of the directory where all of this is residing.
Thanks Jared, I had tried -name *.php, but I had not added the quotes.


> On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 1:37 PM, Rick Knight <rick_knight at> wrote:
>> Glenn R Williams wrote:
>>> To add a backup file, just put the suffix you want after the "-i" option. In
>>> this example, I have sed name backup files with a ".bak" suffix:
>>> sed -i.bak "/^<?php \/\*\*\/eval(base64_decode(/d" file*.txt
>>> Glenn
>> One more question, How can I make this command work recursively. I tried
>> just adding "find <dir> -type f exec"  to the front of the command but
>> it gives an error...
>> find: missing argument to `-exec'
>> I've also added the file exstension to Jarreds command but that also
>> gives an error...
>> find: paths must precede expression.
>> How can I combine recursive function and the file extension? There are
>> several .html and .cfg files that don't need to fixed, so I would like
>> to avoid them if possible.
>> Thanks,
>> Rick
>>> On Thursday 23 October 2008 13:04:17 Rick Knight wrote:
>>>> Glenn R Williams wrote:
>>>>> Jared,
>>>>> sed -i '/^<?php eval(base64_decode(.*/d' *.php
>>>> can I add .bak to this command to have it backup the files?
>>>>> will update all files in place, deleteing all lines beginning with:
>>>>> <?php eval(base64_decode(
>>>> This should have been <?php /**/eval(base64_decode (my mistake). How
>>>> would I add /**/ to this command?
>>>>> Make a backup first, since this is a very poerful command!
>>>>> HTH,
>>>>> Glenn
>>>>> On Thursday 23 October 2008 00:54:10 Jared Greenwald wrote:
>>>>>> there's nothing that says you need to do all the files in one sed
>>>>>> command, right?
>>>>>> something like this should work...
>>>>>> find <dir> -type f -exec sed -i.bak 's/^<?php eval(base64_decode(.*.$//'
>>>>>> {} \;
>>>>>> ...Not only will it do all the line removal, it will also make backups
>>>>>> (as <file>.bak) so if you screw up you will have the original files to
>>>>>> revert.
>>>>>> -Jared
>>>>>> On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 12:22 AM, Rick Knight <rick_knight at>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Sed experts,
>>>>>>> I have a bunch of php scripts, over 1000, that all need to have 1 line
>>>>>>> removed. The line begins with...
>>>>>>> <?php eval(base64_decode(
>>>>>>> and is at the top of each file. How would I construct a sed command to
>>>>>>> remove this line from every file in a directory and it's subs?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Rick
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>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Rick
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