synaptics touchpad on ubuntu eee

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Wed Oct 22 04:24:58 UTC 2008

Scott wrote:
> Art Alexion wrote:
>> On Tuesday 21 October 2008 10:55:27 am Scott wrote:
>>> In the synaptics touchpad wiki entry it mentions you no longer need to
>>> enable SHMConfig in Intrepid 8.10.
>> Scott, what is the URL for this wiki?  I am using 8.04 and would like to see 
>> what it says about that.  When I googled, the only wiki was gentoo hosted.
> Its at  It does
> have some good stuff about 8.04 as well.
only problem is that neither q/ or Ksynaptics are in the repos for 
8.04.1... only gsynaptics is there. the other packages show but you can 
not install as there are no packages. So the wiki is kind of in need of 

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