KDE File Chooser in GTK apps on Kubuntu

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Tue Oct 21 15:18:34 UTC 2008

2008/10/21 Art Alexion <art.alexion at gmail.com>:
> On Tuesday 21 October 2008 7:59:47 am Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> Which thread was that? I have filed literally hundreds of wish-bugs at
>> KDE, *buntus, Fedora, Open Office, Mozilla, Zim, and other Bug
>> Trackers, and have seen many of my ideas implemented.
> That would be the one you posted on Kubuntu getting as much support from
> Cannonical as Ubuntu.  The responses from the Gnome developers seemed
> overwhelmingly, "so many more people use Gnome that equal support for KDE
> doesn't make sense", and from Kubuntu developers, "We don't have the
> resources, so if you want more polish, stop complaining and contribute some
> code."

The point is exactly that we need to show Canonical that we are using
Kubuntu. So long as they think that Kubunu is a fringe distro, the
attitiude will persist.

>> Regarding voting, the forum that I linked to is an official Ubuntu
>> forum designed just for end users to vote on what they want.
> And while that is true, I get the impression that it is the official Ubuntu
> forum for users to vent, but not necessarily to affect decisions.

There are quite a few "ideas" from that site that have been implemented.

> I don't disagree with your ideas, Dotan.  I am just pessimistic that posting
> them makes any difference with the core developers.

Maybe, but if we don't post then _surely_ nothing will get done.

> As I said, some of the app developers seem astoundingly responsive to user
> requests and suggestions, among them Thomas Baumgart and Alvaro Sanchez of
> kmymoney, Ingo Klöcker of kmail, Adriaan de Groot of kpilot, Robby Stephenson
> of tellico, and many more, but this does not seem to be the case with the
> core KDE developers whose mantra these days seems to be something like, "This
> is what we want to do. We are the ones doing it.  If you don't like it, and
> would like something different, *you* do it."  As most are volunteers, I
> can't really criticize them for this attitude, but I can say that the
> attitude is not universal among FOSS developers.

Ingo Klöcker has been very helpful in the past. I am not sure about
the others, but the name Adriaan de Groot also stands out as someone
who has been helpful in the past. Maybe it's a matter of how we
approach them.

Dotan Cohen



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