Fresh install?

Ric Moore wayward4now at
Tue Oct 21 02:42:56 UTC 2008

On Sun, 2008-10-19 at 04:00 -0700, Thorny wrote:

> BTW, are you sure a novice would even understand how to do what you wrote,
> many people have not yet learned to carve out a partition to act as
> backup, if I remember correctly what I have read around cyberspace. Since
> many people these days always want the very latest and greatest the
> "upgrade" will have to be crafted to work smoothly, preferably with one
> click or, horrors, automagically. :-) LOL, OMG!

Prolly not, Linux does have a way of teaching things that come out of
the blue! 

> I used to be *horny* but, these days I usually just feel old and
> tired. 

Ha! Gene and I rant about that situation quite a bit on the Mandrake OT

> Seriously, though, I'm surprised that gmail would filter that way,
> never had a problem pinging from this account to one of my other gmail
> accounts. Have you got gogles on? 

Nope, don't even know what it is. 

> If you don't see my mail, no matter,
> you're not likely to need my help and some people think most of what I
> write is drivel anyway. 

Drivel is good and has it's place. Besides, one never knows from whence
their deliverance may come. It may just come from you when I get into a
jam. :) Ric

My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.
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