Fresh install?
Ric Moore
wayward4now at
Tue Oct 21 02:37:01 UTC 2008
On Sun, 2008-10-19 at 17:47 -0300, Derek Broughton wrote:
> Ric Moore wrote:
> > When I tried updating to FC5 from FC4 UDEV broke horribly
> Let's not compare apples to oranges. An Ubuntu (or any Debian-based distro)
> upgrade is nothing like a Fedora upgrade.
How so? People make mistakes 15% of the time as a statistical average.
Mistakes will happen. To me there is far less chance of breakage if I
install clean, then add the bits I need from my old install to the new
one, at my speed, that are not included in the new install (original
work). So, I don't see an Apple VS Oranges here. If I were Joe
Lunchbucket with little more to lose than email and some Firefox links,
that would be one thing. But, with quite a bit of time invested in my
work, I just play it cautious ...and do it the way I prefer.
> > Plus, I find a
> > clean install to be quicker from DVD than eating up my satellite.
> If you've got a DVD, you can do an upgrade too, so that's not a valid
> argument.
I don't get that. Upgrading and Installing Clean are two different
approaches. With the former you are shoe-horning new packages into and
over top of an old install. With the latter there is no trace of the
former install, at all. No conflicts, nor potential for conflicts unless
the install is flawed to begin with.
> The DVD provides a local repository.
I like that, you had to jump through a couple of hoops to enable that
with Fedora. With Kunbuntu I just click on a check-box. Sweet! Don't get
me wrong, I love the Fedora folks. The breakneck speed of development
finally just plain wore me out. I'm hitting 60 soon enough and enjoy
keeping it simple. :) Ric
My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
"There are two Great Sins in the world...
..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
Only the former may be overcome." R.I.P. Dad.
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