Panel shading on KDE4

claydoh claydoh at
Sat Oct 18 17:09:44 UTC 2008

On Saturday October 18 2008 12:23:47 pm Scott wrote:
> Hi,
>      I can not remember what it is called, but how do you get a panel to
> disappear when not in use on KDE4?  What I like to do is have the panel
> not visible until I move the mouse to the bottom of the screen and have
>   it pop up.  I also like to have a panel at the top that does the same
> thing.
> --
> Your friend,
> Scott
> Sent to you from a Linux computer using Kubuntu Version 8.04

The panel autohide  will be available in KDE 4.2
once that is back, you should be able to add a second panel to the top and 
have it work the same way.
Clay Weber

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