800x600 in Kubuntu

Alan_Dacey at horizonblue.com Alan_Dacey at horizonblue.com
Thu Oct 16 12:36:21 UTC 2008

>Peter Klaassen wrote:
>> Op Wednesday 15 October 2008 22:30:29 schreef Paul Lemmons:
>>> You have to *install* the additions, not just have the ISO mounted.
>> Hitting that choice in the guest menu does not do anything.
>> It seems that is already installed, so said an errormessage.
>> But in the systemtray there is no icon from the guest additions,
>> as in de XP guest.
>Does the guest window capture your mouse? (I mean, when you click in it, 
>does it stop the mouse from exiting again until you press the host key?)
>If it does not, then the guest additions are installed and running. Try 
>just pulling the corner of the window and see if it resizes the guest 
>display as well - it does in mine.

Maybe the guest additions are not installed.  It works automatically for 
some OS's but I never
had that happen in any linux distro as guest. 

The way I get it to work is like this:
-make sure that VBoxGuestAdditions.iso is mounted
-open a terminal and cd to /media/cdrom   (or your mount point)
-type this:    sh -i ./VBoxLinuxAdditions-x86.run    (or the -amd64 file)

That runs the script and after a reboot & adding the vboxvideo to 
xorg.conf, it works fine. 
There may be better ways to do it, but this works for me. 


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