Is it me or does Hardy run like a pig?

Valter Mura valtermura at
Thu Oct 16 07:15:43 UTC 2008

Il mercoledì 15 ottobre 2008 21:04:37 Emanoil Kotsev ha scritto:
> >
> > i can't seem to understand what's wrong with
> > firefox 3? i mean firefox 3
> > beta 4 and previous versions of firefox 3 were buggy
> > alright, but beta 5
> > and the later releases work flawlessly and much lighter
> > than firefox 2!
> > firefox 2 used to take up to 300 megs of my memory with
> > only 4 tabs, and
> > without using any excessive flash, only one or 2 simple
> > flash banners.
> > whereas now, firefox 3 is taking 120 megs with 12 tabs
> > divided in 2
> > windows! 12 tabs back in gutsy were impossible for me!
> > as for the rest of hardy, i think it's the best release
> > of kubuntu ever.
> > light, compatible with loads of new hardware, almost bug
> > free, i never
> > had any major issue with hardy, unlike feisty or gutsy, and
> > unlike intrepid.
> Ok, here it is what's wrong. We use in our company a kind of older version
> of WebLogic server.
> There I have to create a user for some service and I have to setup a
> password for this user. Of course there are two fields (password, confirm
> password) When I write the password in both of them and press apply it does
> not send the password from the second field (I guess), so I end up with a
> message "Password differ!" You tell me if it's normal?!

Which version are you using? FF 3.0.2 had a bug with password, solved in 

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