Is it me or does Hardy run like a pig?

Emanoil Kotsev deloptes at
Wed Oct 15 21:45:14 UTC 2008

--- On Wed, 10/15/08, Billie Walsh <bilwalsh at> wrote:

> From: Billie Walsh <bilwalsh at>
> Subject: Re: Is it me or does Hardy run like a pig?
> To: "Kubuntu Help and User Discussions" <kubuntu-users at>
> Date: Wednesday, October 15, 2008, 11:37 PM
> Art Alexion wrote:
> > On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 4:44 PM, Willy K. Hamra
> <w.hamra1987 at> wrote:
> >   
> >> Emanoil Kotsev wrote:
> >>     
> >>>> away that IE is smarter in rendering. very
> annoying indeed.
> >>>>
> >>>>         
> >>> I "love" pages that can be viewed
> _only_ with IE.
> >>> Others say "optimised for IE" - also
> a great statement. I'm waiting for the IE for linux all
> the time :-D
> >>>
> >>>       
> >> of course you will, this is the sign of a classy
> and modern website.
> >> it's actually a privilege that not many
> website owners can get, you need
> >> a lot of hard, deep-to-earth studies in order to
> get stamped by this
> >> IE-only expression. IE for linux? a couple of
> weeks ago, i was
> >> explaining to my stupid cousin what Linux is, and
> why we can't run win32
> >> executable in Linux, and vice-versa for linux
> executables. and then we
> >> went to the discussion of wine, and i though he
> was catching up, until
> >> he asked, "can't you run Win XP under
> wine? wouldn't it be easier?"
> >> lmao, that's when i decided he's much
> better off  with XP :-P
> >>
> >>     
> >
> > We have heard of wine and ies4lin haven't we?  You
> can run
> > increasingly more w32 executables, and with ies4lin,
> you can run IE.
> > Why bother, you ask?  Well, some people may need to. 
> My office uses a
> > custom "browser based" database front end
> from Lawson that will
> > eventually run the financial infrastructure of the
> entire 3000+
> > employee company in 11 US states.  Lawson uses
> active-x, so IE is
> > necessary.  Runs under IE6 in the ies4lin package.
> >
> >
> >
> >   
> Near as I can figure IES4LINUX is a dead project. The
> latest 
> installation instructions appear to be written for
> "edgy", and nothing 
> new since 2006. On top of that I can't get anything to
> work.

I would rather prefer to see the w3c compliant logo on a web site, which means that any w3c compliant application can render the page.

As of the example with the financial infrastructure it's always a matter of choice, design and implementation and I would cite the PERLs slogan "there is always morethen one way to do it".



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