Fresh install?
donn.ingle at
Wed Oct 15 17:47:13 UTC 2008
> If you do a fresh install and you have (as I do) my /home in a seperate
> partion, is the new install overwriting the existing /home?
During install you get to partition the drive -- simply tell it *not* to
format your current /home partition (make a note of where it is before you
begin the installation). This way it will not be erased.
When you get further in the install it will start to write stuff into .kde and
other hidden folders in your home. You should make backups of these 'dot'
folders before you begin installing -- *but* overall this is not a big deal
and your new version should simply re-use (or overwrite) any old config files
you had from before.
I would backup my address book, emails and browser bookmarks at the very
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