Sudden complications with Adept and Synaptic - partly solved

Michael Hirsch mdhirsch at
Tue Oct 14 22:11:51 UTC 2008

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 8:17 AM, Bas Roufs <basroufs at> wrote:
> Dear Ulrich, dear everybody
>> But getting root access via 'sudo' does work?
> No, not really! By example the command 'sudo dkgp' delivers the
> following result:
> bas at Viaconsensus1:~$ sudo dkgp
> [sudo] password for bas: (here I type my password and hit the enter button)
> One should expect getting in root now, but this is not the case. I see
> again this at the terminal:
> bas at Viaconsensus1:~$

Do you have the right permissions?  what is the output from "groups"?

Secondly, what does /etc/sudoers look like?  You should be in a group
that is setup to be able to use sudo for anything.


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