Sudden complications with Adept and Synaptic - partly solved

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Tue Oct 14 20:37:12 UTC 2008

Willy Hamra wrote:
> 2008/10/14 Ulrich GrĂ¼n <ulrich.gruen at>:
>> 2008/10/14 Steven Vollom <stevenvollom at>:
>>> I am not very experienced, however, I had a problem where I needed to
>>> fix a broken package.  I booted to where you have a choice of opening
>>> your OS or opening in Safe Mode.  When I clicked on that, there were two
>>> choices where if you clicked on them they fixed problems.  At the end of
>>> the repair procedure, I was asked if I wanted to continue opening up
>>> normally, I did, and the OS opened fixed.
>> Did you have the installation CD in the PC? I know of no repair option
>> like this. Did this option appair emediately, before booting the
>> kernel?
>> It sounds as if this would be what we need.
> you don't need the CD. in GRUB menu, choose recovery. usually every
> kernel has a normal boot mode, and a recovery mode. when you choose
> the recovery option, usplash doesn't load, you see a lot of stuff
> scrolling on the screen, and finally you get greeted with a menu. you
> can choose to repair X, fix some package, and other stuff.
This sounds like the repair suggestion I found.  I am the inexperienced 
one.  If you can understand how to do this step, I think you will succeed.

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